Natsuyo Koizumi

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小泉なつ代  Natsuyo Koizumi

長野出身、女子美術大学付属高校に在学中モーツァルトの作品と人生に興味をもったのがきっかけで、同短期大学の衣服デザイン科終了後、オーストリアに渡りウイーン芸術アカデミーで舞台美術を専攻。 2003年よりベルリンに移り、イラスト、ディスプレイデザイン、アップサイクリングアート等の活動を始める。2011年に版画/ドライポイントの独特な表現の可能性の世界と出会って以来、作品制作の主要手段として定着。

NATSUYO KOIZUMI was born in Nagano, Japan..During high school in Tokyo, she was drawn to W.A.Mozart´s life story and the power of his music. This led her to study stage design at the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna, Austria.In 2000, she returned to Japan with her husband and son to explore sustainable lifestyles, learn the basics of traditional culture and to collect myths and stories. Since 2003 she settled in Berlin, Germany with her family, where she has been rediscovering her life as an illustrator, as a window dresser, as an upcycling artist and a printmaker.In 2011 she tried her hand at printmaking for first time at a printing workshop PUNTASECCA. Since then her enthusiasm for working with intaglio has grown.